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16 março 2006

Uma Nação de Iletrados

"Many Brazilians cannot read. In 2000, a quarter of those aged 15 and older were functionally illiterate. Many simply do not want to. Only one literate adult in three reads books. The average Brazilian reads 1.8 non-academic books a year—less than half the figure in Europe and the United States. In a recent survey of reading habits, Brazilians came 27th out of 30 countries, spending 5.2 hours a week with a book. Argentines, their neighbours, ranked 18th."

A revista "The Economist" desta semana fala sobre os hábitos (ou a falta de hábito) de leitura dos brasileiros. Clique aqui para ler o artigo.

Na Folha, o mesmo texto em português aqui.
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