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16 junho 2005


Vários personagens aparecem, inclusive Blazes Boylan. Uma das partes mais difíceis de "Ulisses" - acho que perde apenas para os eventos que fazem referência ao episódio "Gado do Sol" da "Odisséia".
referência homérica - Os rochedos serpeantes
ciência/arte - mecânica

Trecho da obra
Blazes Boyle e a mocinha loira:

The blond girl handed him a docket and pencil.

-Will you write the address, sir?

Blazes Boylan at the counter wrote and pushed the docket to her.

-Send it at once, will you? he said. It's for an invalid.

-Yes, sir. I will, sir.

Blazes Boylan rattled merry money in his trousers' pocket.

-What's the damage? he asked.

The blond girl's slim fingers reckoned the fruits.

Blazes Boylan looked into the cut of her blouse. A young pullet. He
took a red carnation from the tall stemglass.

-This for me? he asked gallantly.

The blond girl glanced sideways at him, got up regardless, with his tie
a bit crooked, blushing.

-Yes, sir, she said.
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